By Ocean Passion Malapascua

Thresher Sharks

What are Thresher Sharks?

Thresher sharks are also called Fox sharks and are split up into three living species: Pelagic Thresher, Bigeye Thresher and Common Thresher. One of these species, the Pelagic Thresher shark (Alopias Pelagicus), is known to inhabit the waters of Malapascua Island. It’s the smallest of the three species (3 meters / 10 foot long and about 70 kg / 153 lb). Furthermore, this shark is characterized by the highly elongated upper lobe of its caudal fin, which is used like a whip to strike prey (especially small fish). In addition, this shark is a strong swimmer and can even be seen jumping out of the water (breaching). It’s not aggressive (no one has ever reported an attack on humans), and once it encounters a diver, it can be shy, usually changing direction and swimming away. Unfortunately the Thresher sharks population is declining, due to illegal fishing and pollution.

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By Ocean Passion Malapascua

Gato Island – Cave

This L shape cave is really great. The Cave, or more accurately, “The Tunnel”. Journey underneath Gato Island and come out the other side! This 30m tunnel houses all the usual cave dwellers: many types of crab big and small, lobsters and cardinal fish. You should also encounter some large puffer fish and perhaps bamboo and cat sharks. Once in, just go to the surface and watch the bats! Then go back to the bottom and continue to the NW. There is a nice lightening window on the right (good for photographers). Turn left and you should see the exit.

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By Ocean Passion Malapascua


written by Tripfuser

So, what does Philippines diving look like? Imagine an archipelago of magical islands where blooming reefs fringe the shore, scuttled WWII wrecks beckon and sheer slopes collide with deep drop-offs. A place where elusive Thresher sharks creep up from the depths, and unique marine biodiversity cradles divers from around the world.

Now stop imagining and book a  Philippines diving trip today.